JEWELRY MAKING TIPS: The Color Effects of Threads

Warren Feld
6 min readApr 19, 2020
Same bead strung with different colors of thread

Color Effects of Thread

Thread color affects the viewer’s perception and evaluation of the piece.

People see the thread at the knots. They subconsciously see the threads between each bead. If you are using transparent or translucent beads, the thread color will affect the color of these beads. You can do the same piece using different colored threads, and each of these pieces will look very different.

Black always works. Can’t see the knots, only shadows. This makes your piece seem older, richer, more traditional. It gives your piece a patina.

White makes your pieces brighter, sharper, more contemporary looking.

Colors: Most people select a color that is the same or similar to the predominant color in the piece. In this case, there is no color affect. However, you can pick contrasting or complimentary colors, such as using an amethyst colored thread to string peridot colored beads. You can also change the colors of your thread as you work thru your piece.

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Best Way To Thread Your Needle

Bead Stringing With Needle and Thread



Warren Feld

Beading and jewelry making have been wonderful adventures, from custom work, production work, and teaching. *Design is about the ability to make smart choices.